Australia's attempted long-arm jurisdiction over other countries will backfire


China Military Online
Wang Xinjuan
2021-08-09 17:18:34


By Chen Hong


Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne recently issued a statement that her country will work out what resembles the so-called Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act of the US and a handful of other countries by the end of this year. Once the bill passes, Australia will be able to impose sanctions upon any individual and entity in any other country that it deems as violating its so-called human rights standards or committing other violations.


With the Act in place, it must not be hard then for Canberra to take action and sanction Trump, whose incompetence and dereliction of duty had caused the death of more than 600,000 American civilians during the COVID-19 pandemic. It would be a matter of course then for Canberra to sanction the rogue policemen and rioters who had constantly persecuted and murdered African Americans and other ethnic minorities in the US, the Canadian schools and churches that had caused the unnatural death of thousands of Indian children, and the Western politicians who have made it a habit of making rumors and trouble, tapping into the communication of foreign state leaders, fabricating lies about the origin of the novel coronavirus, and sowing discord among nations. Wouldn’t it?


In fact, as some Australian media analyzed, Payne’s statement about the Australian version of the “Magnitsky Act” is in response to the US and other Western countries. Following their Cold War mentality and ideological standards, it intends to grossly interfere in the internal affairs of other countries through illegal long-arm jurisdiction.


They would use domestic laws as the basis to sanction countries they regard as rivals, turning a blind eye to facts even to the extent of manufacturing false evidence. Therefore, the so-called “Magnitsky Act” is nothing more than a piece that flagrantly disregards international law and national sovereignty and totally contravenes the basic norms governing international relations. Through such unilateral means as canceling visas and slapping economic sanctions, it threatens, intimidates and suppresses relevant entities and individuals of other countries with national terrorism and hegemony.


As a matter of fact, regarding the disasters, internal turmoil and war, and spread of weapons of massive destruction that have happened in certain countries that violate the international law, international conventions and humanitarian principles, the United Nations (UN) has interfered and restricted in an open and orderly manner through multilateral mechanisms like its Security Council and such legal means as dispatching peacekeeping troops and imposing international sanctions, so as to forcefully and effectively safeguard world peace, stability and prosperity. Yet if a country is so outrageous as to arbitrarily make legal decisions and carry out cross-border attacks on other countries according to its self-made standards and for its sole political strategic intentions, the international rules established by the international community through the UN will also be trampled upon and ravaged, and the international order defending world peace and stability is bound to be shocked.


In recent years, some US-led Western countries have used their domestic laws, including the so-called “Magnitsky Act”, to impose baseless interference in the internal affairs of other countries including China. To resolutely safeguard our national sovereignty, dignity and core interests, and oppose the hegemony and power politics of the US-led West, China has released the Anti-foreign Sanctions Law that is now in effect, providing a powerful legal weapon for it to counter discriminatory measures by foreign countries.


The Morrison administration, obviously got carried away by America's anti-China wave, has successfully plunged the once mutually beneficial China-Australia relationship to the lowest point since the two countries established diplomatic ties by making one trouble after another. If Canberra plans to continue following the US’ lead, concoct and implement the “Magnitsky Act”, and blatantly interfere in China’s internal affairs, it can be assured of China’s resolute and potent counter attacks.


(The author is President of the Chinese Association of Australian Studies and Director of the Australian Studies Center of at East China Normal University)

Editor's note: This article is originally published on, and is translated from Chinese into English and edited by the China Military Online. The information, ideas or opinions appearing in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of


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