Amphibious armored vehicles make ways to beach-head


Soldiers assigned to a brigade of the army under the PLA Eastern Theater Command move forward for assault after disembarking from their amphibious infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) during a recent beach raid training exercise. The Army brigade has organized amphibious landing drills on subjects of landing craft ferrying, assault wave formation, beach-landing, obstacle breaking and so on. ( by Zeng Bingyang)
步战车载员下车战斗。盛夏时节,东部战区陆军某旅开展登陆战斗演练,演练围绕泛水编波、渡中拔点、扫残破障、突击上陆等课目展开。(英文中国军网、英文国防部网/曾冰阳 摄影报道)

Source:China Military Online